Old Daily Fart:
This where I put the old shit.
Sunday, June 11, 2000 |
Antifart of the Day...
Pinching a Loaf
Orange Coke, When?[10:57 PM EST]...
I updated AskCote:
Poopyploppoop writes...
You're my hero, how can i be more like you?
DrippyShit writes...
Don't you think it would be a good idea for you put up a section for visitor's to post pictures of their toilets with www.antifart.com on them. Kind of like the cars posted on www.washme.com?
Regis writes...
Is it cooler to say erger or burger?
Flatulenceholder writes...
I would like to know where the clip of the cat hitting the wall was obtained from. Thank you...oh, and exactly HOW MUCH natural gas is needed to cause such a propelment?
Check out www.bullseyeart.com The shit is funny:
You could be the next person to get 15 bucks worth of FREE toilet paper! Read the FAQ.