Old Daily Fart:
This where I put the old shit.

Thursday, April 20, 2000

Free Willy[11:50 PM EST]...

    It's 11:50pm and Willy has been freed.

Random Shit[11:48 PM EST]...

    Random picture: (fucking laf'n)

    Random link: here

    Random media interweb streaming web: here

You Fart?[11:32 PM EST]...

    I updated AskCote:

Stank writes...

Why is the sky blue while my ass is brown?  Wouldn't the world be so much cooler if it were only the other way around?


tH3 Br0w|\|3r writes...

Why do they add red #2 and yellow #4 to food stuffs that clearly are not any combination of those colors?

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