Old Farting Advice
This is where I store old questions.

Monday, May 29, 2000 

Bunny writes...

    I think i have a problem. I am a fart smeller. Is there somewhere i can go to get help? I'm begining to think i am "different" from other people. Is there someone i can talk to????

AskCote responds...

    Yes there is. You have come to the right place. It's called Antifart.com. You will receive guidance from our daily pictures, gas blasting, sounds, images, and funny videos of cats running into walls (propelled with natural gas). You will also get tons of information and support from our trained professionals on our very active message board. You can always drop a line to AskCote too. You ask, "Is there someone i can talk to????". No, but there is "something" you can talk to. It's called your anus. To me it sounds like someone has been neglecting "something" for sometime now. I recommend 1/2 pound of re-fried beans 3 times a day for two weeks. MP3, WEB, and Multimedia are the words of the day.   


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