Old Farting Advice
This is where I store old
Sunday, September 26, 1999 |
Butt writes...
Over A Billion Fragbugers Sold [Blue-10:08 PM EDT] Cote, I saw that headline on Bluesnews.com today. I am confiused. What's a Fragbuger?
AskCote responds...
I little birdie once told me not to shit out of my pants. I shat, therefor I shitted. Butt, try getting a new 3d card that supports bugers. This should help ease the fart smell out of your chair at work. I use a fucking X in my freaking Y with my god awful Z. Peice audi A8.
Margaret writes...
cote... What am I saying pee-pee or poo-poo ...PAH-PAH
AskCote responds...
The roman god of orafices is said to have had three butt holes. One was used for the wind. The second butt hole was used for the thunder. The third hole was used for mud slides, hence, pee-pee, poo-poo, and PAH-PAH. You are basically telling me you broke wind, it stank, and it dribbled down your leg. Try Pampers or Depends next time. I use Huggies Ultra with my x5jx5315x309jjPP duct tape to contruct a mega pee-poo-pah gaurd.
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