Old Farting Advice
This is where I store old questions.

Saturday, September 25, 1999

Fuck you dick face writes...

    Yo, hook me up bitch! Fuck you

AskCote responds...

    Brother, I don't be speaking no jive round here bitch. Go watch Airplane of something. I use a hvdy-cable when I was Airplane on my xr-2000 deluxe VCR.


Patrick writes...

    My web has gone offline. I tried to surf the net, but my dialup didn't go. I tried winzip, but it didn't download any faster so I gave it to the Screw. My son the computer expert says i don't have any net to dialup my web to. What does he mean? My joystick farted. Where is the best place to find a good PC for my computer? I think my modem is too slow to get online the internet. How vast is the net?

AskCote responds...

    Wowzers! It looks like you have more computer problems than a pig has farts to donate! haha! First, try using the net outline while you are online: 1 Don't use flatulence while in chat rooms! 2 Be a man, surf the net 3 Randomly change your handle while playing online games or surfing 4 Format your harddrive hourly 5 dll's are your enemy! del c:\windows\system\*.dll 6 Be a woman, get panties. Secondly, joysticks can and will fart when used as steering wheels. Use ARJ instead of winzip. If you want to find good protective custody, try your local police. Lastly, the net isn't vast, it's only 19 clicks wide! I use a 256x256 texture size limited 3d cards for my Panasonic portable x-ray machine.

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