Old Farting Advice
This is where I store old
Sunday, March 12, 2000 |
Missy writes...
A friend of mine has been putting an s in front of any word that starts with an M (This includes my name) what can I do to stop this!!??!!
AskCote Responds...
There is only one solution for your problem. Before I answer your question, I'd like to tell you a little story. Once upon a time there was this little elf. All the elf did was fart. He would fart left. He would fart right. He would even fart up and down and all around the town. But one day this little elf forgot to flush the toilet. The bigger mommy elf got all pissed off and wet her pants. The little elf found this very amusing and started to fart uncontrollable. Unfortunately, the little elf had no beano to control his flatulence. The little elf exploded. The end. There is a relationship between the elf story and your question. Don't be like the little elf. Flush the toilet and your friend will stop putting an s in front of words that start with an M. Buddha bless you.
Horton writes...
When searching through MST's, do consider the greedy nature of Prim's algorithm a fair tradeoff for achieving O(E lg(V)) time? Or is it better to stick w/ Kruskal and his slightly slower O(E lg(E)) time?
AskCote Responds...
First you must consider the (P)resure/(PFR)peak flow rate^sphincter diameter. Don't be fooled like a brown clown into overlooking dingle ratios. If your dingle ratio exceeds blast area control then you may need to adjust for increased leakage. Therefore, Prim's algorithm is consistent with you initial assertion of achieving O(E lg(V)) time. However, farted is as farted does. It is easy for one to assume that cross connected dingle stitches encapsulate various levels of methane. This is false. Kruskal put it best, "Urination will follow after drinking mass quantities of non-toxic liquids". Kruskal continues with, "I am just a man with a butt, that's all". The most striking fact about Kruskal's literature is his toilet paper chronicles, but that is for another time an place. To conclude, Kruskal's slower algorithm is consistent with union labor. I am supportive of Kruskal's algorithm. I assume a J-shape pattern while consuming mass quantities of sushi.
Streak Hawk writes...
I have pant streakers. from farts. What is the best laundry detergent for undies with motorcycle skid marks?
AskCote Responds...
Sometimes the best solution is right under your nose. Think about it.
Plug- "It takes two cheeks to make it out of sight" -Rob Base and DJ Easy Rock's comments on AskCote (interview coming soon!!!)
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