Old Farting Advice
This is where I store old
Sunday, December 3, 2000 |
Fartmaster writes...
In regards to Hoonis's question, it is possible to have 2 buttholes. It happened to my mother, she was born with one, and
acquired another when she married my father..
Well, thank you for sharing this with the site. Everyone enjoys to hear that one of our
visitor's mothers has two buttholes. Congratulations. I'd like to add a few comments to how much the actually surgery costs for a second butthole. It comes around to a hefty $500 bucks.
Yes kiddies, you heard me right. That is some serious cash. Most people I've heard that opted for the phase ][ rectal relocation surgery had it done at a hardware
store. Good luck and thanks for the input. I drove to work in a scooter today.
Mark writes...
By far the best fart food is Raisin Bran. You can drop some serious bombs with a nice bowl in the morning. There once was this lady who ate a whole box of
Raisin Bran in the morning. When she went to work and sat down for her morning meeting, she
exploded into green flames. I also want to let you in on a little secret. 99% or
instantaneous combustions are caused by Raisin Bran. Take car and be aware. Too much
Raisin Bran could be too much to handle. btw, I eat 4 boxes every morning. Off
to the Raisin Mobile...
Money writes...
how come u will never hear a girl fart or talk about fart like guys do?
This is actually untrue. Women have a greater sense of farting then men do. Let me explain this in further detail. Women hold strong that they do not fart and take shits. The food and air they consume magically
disappears. Sorry! That's not the case. They can drops bomb as good, if not better than a man. The
reason why it's more powerful is because they hold the farts and shit in. So it have a better time to brew. They ferment inside like a fine wine. When a women drops, you know it. The shit smells like fucking shit. Women do talk about farts, but only amongst themselves. If only the walls could
talk Spanish.
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