Old Farting Advice
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Monday, December 13, 1999

Ted writes...

    I am a 21 year old grandmother from Minnesota. My 42 year old son wants a 'computer-game' for christmas to play on his 'computer'. I have heard him mention things like 'bots' and 'gameplay' and 'suck' and I sure thought it would be great to find him a 'computer-game' that contained all of these elements. On a secondary note, I am having a problem with Mr. Kitty. His fur is falling off and he won't eat all of his Mr. Kitty food. Whenever I go to pick him up for a little kitty snuggling, he starts to shiver and cry until I put him down. What is the best 'computer-game' and what is wrong with Mr. Kitty?

AskCote responds...

    First, try using a shutgun to blow your head off. There are just to many stupid people in this world. If you are trying to find a game with bots, gameply, and suck, look no further, I have a game in store for you! I can't tel you though. hint: Quakers pee in Argentina. On to your second question....The kitty needs some extra special kittly loving. Set the mood...Try turning off any experimental music in the immediate area. Also, My name is el dante. This is the school bus. Thank you, come again.

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