Old Farting Advice
This is where I store old questions.

Friday, August  25, 2000 

Speaking for Mr. Oshaugnessy writes...

    In your words, tell me why my 600 is so fast and cool sounding that it makes me lose and crashes my machine?
AskCote responds...

    This is prolly caused by the lack of asshair. See, God created asshair to keep our assholes warm. He found out that when our assholes were cold our shit wouln't come out and we would explode. So he created asshair. Also, like eyelashes, our asshair keeps the dust from puckering our winkies. Today, we don't need asshair. It just causes unsightly dingles berries and excessive wiping. Does that make things perfectly clear? Do you see the relationship between asshair in your 600cc moped. I certainly don't. NEXT@#####

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