Old Farting Advice
This is where I store old questions.

Thursday, April 20, 2000 

Stank writes...

    Why is the sky blue while my ass is brown?  Wouldn't the world be so much cooler if it were only the other way around?

AskCote Responds...

    The sky is blue because your ass makes farts/particles the scatter light at short wavelengths throughout the atmosphere. Your ass is brown because you either have wet farts or you shit your pants. The brown color comes from a chemical called bilirubin (bill-e-ROO-bin) which is made when your body takes old blood cells apart. And yes, the world would be a better place if the sky had bilirubin in it and if our butts would scatter light at short wavelengths. Sometimes I use a really stupid device to control the picture on my new monitor. 


tH3 Br0w|\|3r writes...

    Why do they add red #2 and yellow #4 to food stuffs that clearly are not any combination of those colors?

AskCote Responds...

    Simple. One word: Conspiracy. The Federal, State, and local government has secretly forced commercial businesses into using the chemicals not for color, but to keep control of the public. It's not mind control, it's BUTT control. The government knows that our butts have nuclear capabilities. It's said that one drop of yellow #4 and red #2 can render all  nuclear fart capabilities useless for not one, but over 1000 people. All it takes is one dam Twinkie and your done for. Fuck that! I'm not going out like a bitch. I think a mouse on a motorcycle just drove by.

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